Saturday, December 15, 2018

My wedding day and some advice I have for brides-to-be

           My Wedding Day...

My wedding was on June 30th, 2018, in Melbourne Florida. I wanted to have my wedding outside under a tent. Unfortunately because of weather conditions we couldn't. :(   I ended up having my ceremony in First baptist of Melbourne. Thank God for my wedding planner, she was amazing and was able to set the tent up in the church to recreate the outdoor setting. It looked amazing!

At my ceremony I had a unity ceremony and we braided the crowd of three strands. It was a really special moment for Tyler and I. I recommend doing a unity ceremony it is truly special.

One thing I love is things that are personalized. Our vows were written from our hearts and they are something I will cherish forever. I think personal vows are a must!!!

Another personalization we did was the groomsman gifts. We gave them a tie with their initials monogrammed on it. 

If you have ever have lost somebody, you know how hard it is to not have them there on your big day. For my husband, he lost his grandmother a little over a month before we got married. We wanted to honor her in some way, so we put his grandmothers picture in a frame and designated a seat for her.

My veil was honestly amazing. There is bridal store in Orlando, Calvet Couture Bridal. They have a girl who makes the veils there and they are beautiful!

My dress was one of my favorite things about my wedding! I wore an overskirt over my dress at the ceremony. Before I went to the reception I took the skirt off. I wore a Hayley Paige dress and I loved it! Hayley Paige was one of my favorite designers and I was so thankful to be able to wear one of her designs.

Make sure to get pictures of you and your girls! I love matching anything! I went with matching robes. I got them from eBay for a great price.

 My reception was beautiful. It was at the Azan Shriners Center in Melbourne. My wedding planer transformed the room.

One of the focal points we chose was my cake. I found an idea on pintrest and had my wedding planner mimic it.

I made my seating chart with my mom, so my guests could easily find their seats.
 I also made my table markers, with the help of one of my friends. I bought $1 two-sided frames at Ikea and used black and white pictures from my engagement pictures. My friend painted Table and the numbers on it for me.
At the reception my husband and I planned a surprise dance. It is something I would do again!

The best part of the reception was the dancing with all my family and friends! It was a lot of practice, but well worth it. My dj was amazing. If you live in florida, call Dj Shane Entertainment.

For our exit we used sparklers. It was a great way to end the night.

My photographer: Harmony Lynn (
My wedding planner: Julie Miner (

Some Advice...
  • One big thing, is to not forget what the day is really about. Which is, you and your soon-to-be husband getting married. As well as, keeping Christ at the center of the day and everything else will fall into place. 
  • I would for sure get a wedding planner to help you plan your big day. It helps relieve stress. It also helps you and your family from having to do a lot of extra work.
  • Look at a lot of wedding picture ideas on pintrest as well as so many other wedding ideas. 
  • I went to a few bridal shows and I found them very helpful. 
  • One thing I forgot was to take pictures with most of my family. Make sure you tell your photographer who you want to take pictures with. Also make sure you tell your photographers all the poses and specfic pictures you want so you don't have to think about it the day of. 
  • Make sure you get a good night of sleep the night before! 
  • Eat the day of your wedding, you will be excited but eat so you don't feel sick.
  • Drink water!
  • Do not stress, things may go wrong but nobody will know. 
  • Have fun, enjoy yourself!

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